Quick Summary to Get You Going
1. Planning
How are the goals, tasks or objectives you have going to happen? It may seem obvious, but there is no way of crushing your goals without a plan. Our new year’s resolutions are not the only thing we have going on, so we have to weave them into our lives, the resolutions will not just happen because we want them. Plan your day, week, and month to make sure there is time built in to work on those resolutions.
2. Gratitude
In Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman’s book, Flourish, he expands on his research in the area of positive psychology. One of the big takeaways is making time for gratitude. He suggests taking time each day to write down for what you are grateful. Write down three things that you are grateful for each day. Documenting these positive, reinforcements helps us to frame our mindset each day to the good, which keeps us going. Additionally, looking back on these ‘gratitude points’ can be motivation, a way to keep working towards those resolutions and new goals, even when the finish line may seem far away.
3. Bookending
My professional coach, Claire, gave me this one. Set aside time between activities during your day to recharge. Use that time, a few minutes is enough, to focus on things that give you energy. Whether it is internal (looking at pictures of family and friends) or external (chatting about something topical with a colleague), this time is critical, to mentally recover and segue into the next activity.
Resolutions 1. 2. 3. image from Greater Good Magazine.